Exactly what is the best air purifier for removing cooking odors out there? Don’t worry, as, in this article, we’ll guide you about air purifiers and how different models can help eliminate cooking odors.
The usual problem when cooking in the kitchen, especially if you live in a duplex, apartment, or condo unit, is the smell it leaves on your walls, which eventually leaks through your neighbor or apartment-mates. The problem lies when the cooking odors become worse and the other folks start to complain.
To solve this, you may want to look for an air purifier that can remove cooking odors. But first, let’s find out how they can actually remove that not-so-pleasant smell from your kitchen and walls.

Do air purifiers remove cooking odors?
Yes! If you ever ask the question “do air purifiers get rid of odors?” then the straight answer is yes – they can absolutely remove cooking odors. But how?
Thanks to the activated carbon filter and the internal fan, your air purifier is able to blow away these cooking odors with the fan and absorb them with the carbon filter. In this way, your bad kitchen smells can be minimized – even more effective than when using an electric fan or blower.
How do you get rid of the smell after cooking?
Cooking smells can be removed by:

- Frequently cleaning as you go. One common mistake by most people make when they are in the kitchen is that they forget to clean as they go. This is a common rule that is implemented in restaurants and fast food chains for hygienic purposes, so why not do it? After all, this can help to reduce the cooking smells afterward. When all of your cooked food smells gather together, the result is kind of revolting, after all.
- Opening up the windows. If you can, ventilate! Provided that there’s a window in the kitchen, it’s not a bad idea to let out some air so that your kitchen’s air could circulate and thereby releasing the kitchen odors from your cooking. Or, if you can’t do that, use any ventilation area that you might have in your kitchen to release the air.
- Using the good old vinegar and baking soda method. This is one of the usual methods that are used in the kitchen for years. A simple mix of vinegar and baking soda that can be sprayed on walls and on your kitchen space can help to minimize the smell after cooking.
- Putting up your favorite spices and simmering them. If you can, simmer some great spices that can help to counteract the cooking odors. Consider cinnamon sticks, citrus peels, cloves, and the like can be simmered so that the aroma will go around your kitchen area.
- Using an air purifier. As mentioned in our article on the best way to deodorize the house, we’d like to tell you that air purifiers are one of the most efficient ways of removing cooking odors. Thanks to the combination of their carbon filters and their variable fan speeds, you could easily get the cooking odors away from your kitchen and to the outside, or at least neutralize them if you live in a closed space.
How do you get rid of cooking odors in the house?
To get rid of cooking odors in the house, you may want to clean up your kitchen a little bit. When food stains are left in your sink untouched, they could be the breeding ground for mold and other foul odors. This mix of odors could be the cause of the stench coming from your kitchen.
You could also try air purifiers, as they have activated carbon filters. Combine it with your AC unit or electric fan to move air around much better and to clean it. You can even use your open window to help freshen your indoor kitchen space.

What is the best air purifier for odors?
For cooking odors, we’d like to recommend the Oreck WK16000 Air Response Air Purifier because of its combination of odor filters and a 2-stage HEPA filter. The dual-stage means that your air purifier could clean more efficiently. We also like the fact that it can shut off on its own so you don’t have to worry about turning it off when your hands are dirty in the kitchen.
It also senses the air quality for you so it can automatically clean or increase its cleaning power on the fly, hence the name “air response”. If you are a busy kitchen mom or dad, this may be an ideal automatic air purifier for you.
If you don’t know what to look for in an air purifier to remove cooking odors, here’s what you should do:
- Look for a product with activated carbon filters. Carbon is an odor-absorbing material that can be found in most air purifiers. It is commonly sandwiched between the layers of their filter stages alongside the HEPA or sometimes the true HEPA filter. What it does is eliminate or absorb the smells, such as your kitchen odors.
- Make sure it is designed for your intended kitchen size. Measure your space or at least have an estimate. This can help you to find out which air purifier is intended for your kitchen. If your air purifier is too small or not too powerful, it may not be that effective in terms of cleaning the kitchen from odors.
- More stages of filtering equal more efficiency. Consider air purifiers that have more stages of cleaning or more added filter media so that it can absorb not only bad smells but also pollutants that are in your kitchen, which could contaminate your food as well.
- Different speeds should be available. A multi-speed air purifier can help if there are times when you’re cooking a lot of smelly fish.
- UV germicidal bacteria-killing lamps are a plus. This can get rid of mold spores that could also cause foul kitchen odors.
To conclude, air purifiers can be a decent solution for cooking odors. When combined with regular cleaning, throwing the trash, scrubbing your tiles and walls, and opening up your window or vent, you can easily get rid of bad cooking odors with this method. We hope you learned something from our article!