If you want to know how to ventilate a basement, this article may help you out. A basement can sometimes smell very bad if it’s not filled with enough fresh air. This scenario can be common in homes where basements haven’t been touched in a long time, such as months, or even years, and a lot of wet items, such as sinks and pipes, can be found here.
When a basement doesn’t smell fresh, it can possibly a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can eventually lead to foul odors that actually carry bacteria, viruses, and other unsafe pathogens. It’s not too late to cure a basement with this condition. With the right tools, equipment, and way of cleaning, you can help manage your basement’s odor.
How do I keep the air in my basement fresh?
If you’re one of those who keep lamenting on the words “my house never smells fresh”, here are some tips that could help you:
- Add or maintain your ventilation system. A ventilation system could be your window or your external vent – it depends upon how your basement was constructed. Not all basements have windows, so at the very least, it should have a vent opening. Make sure this opening is maintained without any blockage, so that more air can flow right into your basement, enabling air circulation. This air circulation is what can keep your basement fresh.
- Make sure the humidity is just right. In most cases, the humidity can play a part in the air freshness of any room. If the humidity is too much, it may result in a very wet and sticky feeling, in which mold and bacteria are more likely to grow. On the other side, if the air is too dry, it could also cause your skin to get drier. Consider adding a thermostat or a humidifier/dehumidifier unit in this case.
- Install waterproof materials in the basement. Some basements can be installed with walls and flooring that are waterproof so that mold doesn’t grow into them. Consider having more durable materials that can help to prevent the formation of such gross organisms in your basement (and make the air smell bad).
- Clean, clean, and clean some more. Most of the time, basements suffer from bad odor because they haven’t been cleaned in a while. A little vacuum here and there, as well as getting rid of items that you no longer need, can help your basement air to freshen up a bit. You may even find yourself being able to move around easier because you’ve reduced the items that are lingering in your basement.
- Look for leaks (and repair them). Basements usually have pipes that leak, so it can be a good idea to inspect your pipe system. Sometimes, basements can smell bad if they are full of water leaks on the floor. Consider having a plumber helping you with the job, or if you know your craft, repair it by yourself using DIY tools.
- Try an air purifier. If your basement has a bad smell, it can actually be helped by an air purifier, which can minimize the odor using its activated carbon filters. On top of that, the true HEPA filter of an air purifier can even reduce the dust that’s gathered up in your basement air.
Air purifier filters can reduce the likelihood of you sneezing all the time when you move boxes there. An air purifier can be a solution for you, as we mentioned in our article on the best way to deodorize the house.
How do you air out a basement without a window?
If your basement or room doesn’t have a window, things can be tricky. The first thing to look into is to use an electric fan to help circulate the air. Too much stagnant air can lead to a smellier atmosphere and a sticky feeling.
Adding a dehumidifier and air purifier to the room can be helpful as well to reduce the mold and mildew that’s caused by excessive humidity.
If you have towels, cloths, rugs, and the like, that you suspect are too wet and soggy, you can put them out in the sun for a few hours until they’ve dried. This can get rid of the mold smell that’s locked up inside your basement.
The classic vinegar and spray bottle solution can also work if you want to get rid of the odor that lingers in your basement walls.
Should I open my basement windows?
It depends upon the season outside. Most experts will tell you that basement windows should only be opened on the cool season, since hot air outside when it enters your basement, is probably not going to smell pleasant. The air in the cold weather is much better and can be a solution in lowering your AC unit’s load and electric bill consumption.
![How do you ventilate a room with one window](https://www.bestairpurifierratings.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/How-do-you-ventilate-a-room-with-one-window.png)
How do you ventilate a room with one window?
If you have a single-window basement, you may want to try the following:
- Use a box fan. Place it on the window so that it can help circulate air faster between your room and the outside area. Measure your window first so that you can buy the right box fan that’s fit for the job.
- Consider indoor plants. Most basements can actually become a place for hydroponics to grow, which can not only be a fun hobby, but can also absorb the bad odors in your indoor space.
- Use your air purifier. If you have an air purifier, even with just one window, your basement can be filtered from bad-smelling air and pollution.
For more information, check out our article on how to get rid of odor in the bedroom.
To wrap it up, a basement can be easily ventilated with an air purifier, but you should also consider opening the vent areas and cleaning up to make it effective. Basements are usually storage rooms, but you shouldn’t always keep them untouched to avoid the funky and foul odor from lingering around and causing mold to happen.