When it comes to workplace cleanliness, nail salon air ventilation systems are important. The importance of clean air in a nail salon cannot be stressed enough since nail polish and other chemical-based solutions are present.
Although many nail lacquers nowadays don’t have excessive harsh chemicals that can affect your air, the smell will still be pungent in one way or another. That’s why we want to help you maintain cleanliness in your nail salon air.
No one wants to keep smelling nail polish all the time! What’s more, nail polish acrylic smells are not just headache-inducing but are also harmful to your health in the long run!
Fortunately, there are ways to help minimize odor in a nail salon, such as using the right ventilation system and cleaning the air properly. We will tell you about ventilating your nail salon because we care about your health and the safety of your customers.
What type of ventilation does a nail salon use?
Usually, before a nail salon is constructed, a local exhaust system would be part of the plan. Whether you are renting a place as a tenant or have your establishment, you should talk to the responsible people to have an exhaust installed.
Typically, for a nail salon, an HVAC comes with filters that work against formaldehyde and toluene. These are the two most common volatile organic compounds or harsh chemicals that come from nail polish and nail-related products.
Aside from that, you will benefit from using the best air purifiers for nail salons since they also filter out formaldehyde, toluene, and other VOCs present from nail polish. Thanks to their activated carbon filters, the harsh chemicals going through the air will slowly dissipate and get sucked in the air purifier.
Do air purifiers work for nail salons?
Absolutely! Air purifiers will work wonders for nail salons if they have the right filter for the job. If you want to get an air purifier for your salon, make sure it has an activated carbon filter to remove the bad odors and the VOCs that reside in the air – especially for a closed space.
For your nail care business, all you need to find is the best air purifier to remove toxins from the air – particularly one with activated carbon filters. Just make sure to measure your area before you get an air purifier – some units are specifically meant for certain room sizes.

Why is good ventilation necessary in a nail salon?
Without a ventilation system in a nail salon, the harsh chemicals caused by your nail polish and similar products will be trapped inside, lingering in your indoor air. This causes air pollution and a bad-smelling nail salon, causing you and your patrons to feel uneasy.
Nail polish chemicals such as acetone, formaldehyde, and toluene are toxic to humans and other living beings. By breathing clean air that is free from health hazards coming from VOCs or volatile organic compounds, you are ensuring safety for yourself and your customers.
You don’t want all of the harsh chemicals to be trapped in a confined space, right? That’s why proper ventilation is important even for nail salons. You would install a smoke exhaust for the kitchen for the same reason, so why shouldn’t nail salons (and other beauty salons in general) follow suit?
How do you ventilate a salon?
First, you will need to get a professional to install an exhaust system in the nail salon. Get the appropriate permission from the building owner if you don’t own the place. Aside from that, you should have an air purifier to help clean the air – specifically a unit with activated carbon filters.
Aside from that, regularly opening the doors (and windows, if present) will help to air out your nail salon so that the harsh chemicals in the air won’t stay there for longer. The idea is to have sufficient air circulation inside your nail salon so that the bad air goes out of the room.
Remember to always keep your surroundings clean – this includes air filters and the ventilation exhaust system as well. Just because you have an exhaust, HVAC, and/or an air purifier doesn’t mean you can slack off – regularly cleaning your nail salon is important as well.
For your air purifier, check the lifespan of the VOC filter (the activated carbon) if it needs to be replaced. If you don’t replace the filter regularly then it will do you more harm than good – it might return the pollutants into the air!
Why is ventilation important in a salon?
Ventilation is important in a salon largely because of the chemicals that are often used. These salons have nail polish and other similar nail care products – most of them contain harsh chemicals that are dangerous to human health – especially if inhaled in large amounts.
People who work in your nail salon are exposed to these harsh chemicals so the best that you can do is to reduce their presence in the air. This is especially true if the nail salon has a very small area and chemicals can get easily trapped inside.
By using a proper ventilation exhaust, airing out the room, and using an air purifier to help clean the area, you will reduce the VOCs that linger in the air and make both the staff and the customers happy and healthy. This is also important for pregnant women who want to take a trip to the nail salon.
So, if you own a nail salon, does an air purifier help with smell? The answer is yes – especially those units with activated carbon filters. Nail salons greatly benefit from an air purifier, as well as an exhaust system, so that the harsh chemicals won’t stay inside the room.
With that, we hope that this guide helped you out if you want to give the best service to your nail salon patrons. Remember that by having clean air in your nail salon, you are ensuring a healthy environment for your staff and your customers.