If you’re looking for the solution as to what causes excessive dust in a house, you’re in luck. In this article, we bring you some possible ways to combat dust at home.
No one likes to have a dusty house, since not only does it smell bad and look bad – it could also be the breeding ground for allergens and could cause you (or someone you know) to sneeze terribly. If it’s even hay season, such as in spring, things could get worse as well.
Therefore, keeping a house dust-free can be beneficial not only for you but also for the people around you. The house not only gets cleaned but also freshens.

Why does my bedroom get so dusty?
A dusty bedroom happens when you have:
- A lot of surfaces. If you have a lot of surfaces at home, such as cabinets, drawers, tables, chairs, and the like, you may actually add up to more dust in your indoor space. The more surface that your dust lands on, the more they collect and gather and the harder you have to scrub all day just to get rid of them. Therefore, decluttering your house could also be necessary.
- You don’t clean up too often. The laziness spell is often unavoidable, but when you can avoid it, please do so to avoid your bedroom from getting dusty. It’s just a matter of changing your bedsheets and pillowcases or sending them into the dry cleaner shop.
- You don’t open up the windows. Sometimes, good old ventilation is all you need. This is especially if your area is not that polluted. The circulation of air can help you to get rid of dust so that the indoor air in your room could move from place to place and not just gather in your space. They’re meant to be free out there and not in your lungs.
- You live in a polluted area. If you needed a job so badly but you need to live in a polluted area, you can still work things out. We’d suggest getting an air purifier to help you out because air purifiers practically do the job for you by scrubbing the air using its true HEPA filter. Along with that, it also minimizes the odors using the carbon filter, so it may be a good choice for you if you have frequent smokers in your room or apartment.

Can a dusty house make you sick?
Yes, a dusty house could make you sick because of the dust that flies around in the air. Dust that circulates the air could cause or worsen cough, allergies, colds, asthma, and the like.
A trip to the hospital for lung problems sounds scary, especially if it even developed to lung cancer! Even when you think that dust is harmless, you can’t be too sure – you can’t always hold out a microscope to check if there are germs and viruses in the household dust that you’re breathing in!
Breathing problems, such as shortness of breath and even other respiratory problems could happen. In fact, you could also be at risk for certain infections of the lung if you haven’t cleaned your house for a long time.
Is house dust dangerous?
Yes, eventually. Accumulated dust could gather in your lungs and start to create a disease that could cost you thousands of dollars in medical fees.
Dust may be small, but when you breathe in so much of them, it can give you difficulty in breathing, no different from those that are often exposed to harmful fumes in factories. If you want to find out more, check out our article about the effects of air pollution in points.
This difficulty in breathing may sometimes result in lung problems and could mean having to go to the doctor to take medications. Don’t let this end up like that – choose to clean up your room and filter out the dust with the help of air purifiers.
What happens if you don’t dust your house?
Not dusting your home could have you end up:
- Getting sick with respiratory illnesses
- Your guests not feeling so welcomed
- Your pets smelling even worse
If you don’t dust your house, you’re going to end up having to spend more than you should (for medical fees and the like) if you just bought a simple air purifier to get rid of the dust at home.
This is why you may benefit from investing in a quality air purifier. For that, we’d like to suggest the Austin Air A200C1 HealthMate Junior Air Purifier if you really want through air cleaning. Its benefits are the following:
- The true HEPA filter (medical-grade)
- 3-speed settings to choose from
- 4-stage filter system
- Has activated carbon
- The 360-degree air intake system
Having this medical-grade air purifier could be a great solution if your house hasn’t been cleaned for a long time or if you live in a very polluted area. It may be a little pricey but it’s most likely nothing much compared to hospital bills from having respiratory problems!
How do I keep my house from getting so dusty?
To keep your house from getting dusty, we’d suggest you go grab yourself an air purifier to do the job.
The Okaysou AirMax8L Medical Grade Ultra-Duo Air Purifier is an affordable starter for when you’re not too much on the budget side.
This air purifier uses a dual air filter system that not only gets rid of dust, but could also get rid of smoke, odors, and VOCs that could be harmful not only to you but to the environment with its 3-stage filter. Rated up to 237 square feet, it has other nice features as well.
Air purifiers could also go hand in hand with humidifiers and dehumidifiers, as mentioned in our previous article, where we talked about air purifier vs. humidifier vs. dehumidifier.
To wrap it up, dusting a house is just as important as bathing your dog (or yourself, for that matter). Even if you are clean, if the dust around you sticks to your skin and to your lungs, you’re probably going to have a difficult time altogether. Start preventing respiratory diseases at home by investing in an air purifier now!